3rd Grade Smartboard Games – Math, Reading, ELA, Science, Social Studies Games for the Smartboard
Learn the grid or box method for multiplication on the Smartboard. The Grid or Box Method is based on the idea of splitting both numbers being multiplied into their tens and ones. Directions: To begin select your difficulty level. Then, follow the steps on the screen to learn the grid method. Set up the grid, […]
Play the Game...Use your knowledge of geography with the Smartboard. Geography is the study of the Earth’s surface. Determine a location in the United States based on information given to you about the states, oceans, lakes, rivers and other countries. Directions: Buster is traveling in the U.S.A. He will tell you in which area he is. Click […]
Play the Game...Use this interactive game on adding fractions on the Smartboard or for individual student reinforcement. Practice adding fractions with like and unlike denominators and simplifying. When adding fractions a common denominator is needed. A denominator is the bottom number in a fraction. If the denominators are the same, simply add the numerators, or the top […]
Play the Game...Use the Smartboard to model how to properly use a ruler. Practice measuring in both inches and centimeters to whole numbers, halves, tenths, quarters, eighths and sixteenths. Directions: Select to measure in centimeters or inches and to which increments. Use the ruler to measure the length of the black line that will appear above it. […]
Play the Game...Practice your place value skills using the Smartboard. Place value is the value of a digit depending on its position in the number. Directions: To begin, select your difficulty level and to play with numerals or place values. In numeral mode you will be given a number written in words and it is your job […]
Play the Game...