6th Grade Smartboard Games – Dividing Fractions, Benchmarking Fractions with 1/2, Rulers and Measurements, Perimeter and Area, Number Properties, Ratios and Proportions, Computation with Decimals, Convert Rational Numbers – Fractions Decimals Percents, Measures of Central Tendency, Circumference of a Circle, Order of Operations, Decimal Place Value, Place Value, Ratios, Adding and Subtracting Integers, One and Tw0-Step Algebra Expressions, Solving Equations, Volume of Rectangular Prism, Percent of a Number, Probability, Decimal Place Value, Adding Subtracting Multiplying Dividing Decimals, Divisibility Rules, Prime Factorization, Coordinate Plane, Computation, Ordering Fractions and Decimals, Mean Median Mode Range, Reducing Fractions, Integers – Play these fun, interactive and free games on the Smartboard!
Practice decimal place value in this fun Smartboard math game. Decimal place value is the tenths, hundredths, thousandths, ten-thousandths and hundred-thousandths. Directions: Help Jimmy in his quest by clicking on the correct decimal place value answer on the Smartboard! You will earn money for each correct answer. Play
Play the Game...Play this fun game with your students to practice place value on the Smartboard. Place Value gives a digit value in a specific number. Whole Number Place value from zero is the ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten-thousands, hundred-thousand, millions, ten-millions, hundred millions, billions, ten-billions, hundred billions and trillions place. Directions: Use the Smartboard to pass […]
Play the Game...