Category: Kindergarten Math

Kindergarten Math Smartboard Games – Number Bonds, Measurement, Counting, Addition, Subtraction, Counting by Ones, Pictorial Patterns, Addition and Subtraction to 10, Ordering Numbers 1-100, Addition and Subtraction to 9, Addition with Manipulatives, Addition and Counting – Play these fun, interactive and free Math games on the Smartboard!

  • Interactive Counting – Math

    Students in Kindergarten can practice counting using the Smart board. Remember to count up! Directions: Select a number to start with and use your finger to count up. You have to link the numbers in order. You can also earn bonuses if you finish quickly! Play 

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  • Adding Numbers

    Students and teachers can use this interactive game in Kindergarten or 1st Grade to practice adding numbers. Students roll two dice and find the sum. Students can use the dots or mental math! Directions: Select the option to use the timer or no timer. After, Select from 3 options – Use doubles, Use totals. Play  

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  • 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, Ordinal Numbers

    This fun and engaging game allows you to practice using ordinal numbers. This interactive game will help you reinforce 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th. Students place the numbers on the correct line. Remember what comes 1st! Directions: Listen to the alien on the Smart board and drag them to the correct spot in line! […]

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  • Count, Match, Order Numbers – Math

    Use the Smartboard to count, match, and order numbers. This interactive game allows you to reinforce these important math skills. Students can practice counting up with numbers and ones. Directions: Select Counting, Matching, or Ordering first. Counting – Select how many, Matching – Select the range, Ordering – Select smallest to largest or largest to […]

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  • Counting Up – Math

    Counting up is an essential foundational skill. Students need to be able to count up before learning to add. Directions: Select numbers up to 5, 10, or 15. After, drag and drop the cupcakes to show the number. Play

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